2011年10月31日 星期一

Lab 20_Google Accessibility

  1. Google Search Keys Numbers the results in a Google search page and you can type the corresponding number to follow the link.
  2. Google Access Keys Enables navigation through Google search results.

    Lab 19_AccessBar

    AccessBar: displays defined accesskeys in a fixed-position bar along the bottom of the window. Added 2005-04-01 (not a joke). Find how many access keys have been defined at
    www.ocac.gov.tw www.epa.gov.tw

    Continued from the above, use google to find 3 more government sites in Taiwan that enable access keys.






    Lab 18_Clean Language

    1. Save the JavaScript file of Clean Language to your desktop. Make changes to the script with self-defined bad words. To do this, save the JavaScript on your desk top. Use Notepad editor to make changes. Install the modified script as Greasemonkey.

    2. Use Google to search webpages that contains some bad words.

    3. Try whether the filtering take effects.

    Lab 17_Greasemonkey

    1. Please read the information about Greasemonkey and cookiebefore you start the lab.
    2. Install Greasemonkey 0.9.1. Check the lower right corner of your Firefox and you should find a monkey at the right.
    3. Cookie Monster - Show cookie contents: Shows the contents of the current page cookie. Just mouse over the "Cookie" text on the bottom left. Check what cookies http://www.nytimes.com writes to you. Does our class blog use cookie or not? Does Google use cookie?
    4. You can turn off Greasemonkey by clicking on the monkey face at the URL bar of Firefox. Click again to activate Greasemonkey.


     class blog


    Lab 16_Using Google PageRank

    在Firefox上安裝 PageRank , 然後使用 PageRank 量測以下網站的 PageRank (0~10分)

    紐約時報 http://www.nytimes.com: 9/10


    CNN http://www.cnn.com/: 8/10


    台灣雅虎 http://tw.yahoo.com: 9/10


    蕃薯藤 http://www.yam.com: 7/10


    PCHome 購物 http://shopping.pchome.com.tw/: 6/10



    FACEBOOK: 10/10

    CYCU: 7/10

    URCOSME: 4/10

    2011年10月24日 星期一

    Lab 15_製作線上投影片

    Lab 14_共同編輯文件





    Lab 13_Google Docs

    1. Go to Google Docs. Google Docs lets you write Word documents through an online web service.
    2. Start writing.
    3. Publish the Word document.
    4. What's the URL of your document.
    5. Add the Google Docs to your personal portal. At the portal page, you should be able to see the active documents.
    6. Save your document as .doc and .pdf, the two common formats for documents.

    Hint: This is a sample Word document.




    Homework 10-17-2011

    1. 稀土元素對電子業的未來有何影響?
    2. 瀏覽器會洩漏使用者的隱私嗎? 為甚麼?
    3. 在上次homework-10-3-2011中,你得到多少篇回應? 這些回應對你有幫助嗎?

    1. 稀土元素是電子產品的重要原料,包括鑭、鈰、鐠、釹、鉕、釤、銪、釓、鋱、鏑、鈥、鉺、銩、鐿、鑥、鈧、釔等17種金屬元素,許多電子產品中都有運用此稀土元素,全世界的稀土元素有一半以上蘊藏在中國,科技產業若失去原料來源,必會有不堪設想的後果。
    2. 現在瀏覽器很方便,會紀錄我們瀏覽過的網站,瀏覽器都會幫我們記錄下來,但是事情總是一體兩面,雖然方便但也相對容易透露出個人訊息。
    3. 我得到了6篇回應!回應可以讓我更有動力來經營部落格,並且得到些別人的意見加以改進!

    2011年10月17日 星期一

    Lab 11_Comparing browsers

    Install Google Browser Google Chrome and Firefox 7.0, try a few websites and compare their performance. For example, youtube, blogspot, msn, and yahoo.

    Compare the following features:

    ●Operating system support
    Google Chrome:
    Firefox 7.0:介面簡單好用,有些網站無法開啟! ex.ilearning

    ●Bookmark management
    Google Chrome:能與Google書籤同步化
    Firefox 7.0:方便操作好使用

    ●Download management
    Google Chrome:出現在左下角,畫面簡單但較容易忽略
    Firefox 7.0:獨立視窗彈出

    ●Password management
    Google Chrome:較少保密提醒
    Firefox 7.0:有保密提醒

    ●Form Management
    Google Chrome:較簡易
    Firefox 7.0:較精美較完整

    ●Spell checking

    ●Search Engine toolbar
    Google Chrome:只有一個搜索引擎工具列,較簡單方便不過較不習慣
    Firefox 7.0:分成網址列與跟工具列

    ●Privacy mode
    Google Chrome:自動儲存遊覽過的網頁
    Firefox 7.0:不會留下資訊

    ●Auto update
    Google Chrome:必須手動更新
    Firefox 7.0:自動更新功能會一直詢問

    Lab 10_本校網頁簡體版功能


    Lab 12_發表評論



    Homework 10-3-2011

    1. What's Moore's law? Please offer an example.
    Moore Law在 1965年Intel創辦人之一 Moore 提出,主要是說明機體電路(IC)每隔十八個月,可容納的電晶體數會增加一倍,效能也會提升一倍。

    2. 你有何策略可以針對網路大學排名四個要素提出改善本校排名之道?
    我認為這四項排名要素都是可以經由人為"灌水"來衝排名, 並沒有太大的參考價值,實際提高研究跟教學品質才是最重要的。